Cefn Mawr medical centre petition sent to health board

A petition signed by almost 1,800 people calling for a new GP surgery in Cefn Mawr has been sent to Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates launched the petition in October with local councillors Ken Bathers and Derek Wright – and has thanked supporters for ‘a fantastic response’.

The petition states: “We believe that Cefn Mawr both needs and deserves a new medical centre, with the former Co-op site our preferred location. We call on Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to bring forward proposals at the earliest opportunity.”

The community has been calling for a new premises for Caritas Surgery at the old Co-op site on Well Street for years, but BCUHB says there are ‘complexities’ over the location.

Cllr Bathers, who is chairman of Cefn Community Council, said: “I am hoping the wait is over and the health board will urgently consider the wishes of the people – a new medical centre in our area.

“The Co-op site ticks all the boxes. It’s close to Rhosymedre, which has a high population of senior citizens in the area, it is on a bus route and there is ample car parking.”

Labour AM Mr Skates said: “I’d like to thank my constituents for their support – there’s been a fantastic response which shows how much people in Cefn want this.

“We once again urge the health board to bring forward plans as soon as possible.”

Cllr Wright added: “The support has been marvellous, I’d like to thank the public. Hopefully this will show the health board the need for a new medical centre in Cefn.”

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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