Clwyd South Labour AM and MP launch Christmas card competition

Schoolchildren are being asked to show their artistic side and design a Christmas card which will be sent to hundreds of homes.

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates and MP Susan Elan Jones are inviting pupils of every infant and primary school in their constituency to enter – and there are prizes to be won.

The winning design will get pride of place on the Labour pair’s official Clwyd South Christmas card and will be sent out to constituents, businesses, schools and voluntary groups.

Ken said: “It might seem a bit early with the summer holidays only just over, but we have to set a deadline of almost six weeks before Christmas to make we have enough time to get our cards printed and posted in time – it’s a big job!
“Whenever we have run this competition the children always enter into the spirit. We’re very grateful to the teachers for encouraging them to take part and for helping them.”

Susan added: “The competition is a fun way for schoolchildren in Clwyd South to learn a little bit about who represents them. A number of local companies have generously offered to sponsor the competition, so there will be prizes and certificates too.
“We’ve had some wonderful designs in previous years and I’m looking forward to seeing what the children come up with this year.”

The competition closes on Friday, November 16, and children can ask their teachers or parents/guardians to send their designs to Mr Skates’ constituency office at Unit 22, The Malthouse, Regent Street, Llangollen, LL20 8HS.

Any local companies who would like to co-sponsor the competition and have their logo feature on the card can email [email protected]

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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