Ken Skates MS welcomes launch of Welsh Government’s Young Person’s Guarantee

Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South, Ken Skates, has welcomed the launch of the Welsh Labour Government’s ambitious Young Person’s Guarantee.

The Young Person’s Guarantee, one of Welsh Labour’s key election pledges, will help ensure there is no lost generation in Wales following the COVID-19 pandemic by providing everyone under 25 with the offer of work, education, training, or self-employment.

The comprehensive package is designed to provide the right support at the right time and meet the diverse needs of young people across Wales. This includes new user-friendly services to help young people find opportunities more easily.

Phase one will provide young people aged 16-24 in Wales with access to:

– One simple route to access the Young Person’s Guarantee via the Working Wales service. Support and advice will be provided in a range of ways, including virtually, on the high street and through improved outreach facilities across Wales
– Self-employment advice and support
– Traineeships which provide work experience and training
– Training and wage incentives via the ReAct programme
– A place on one of the Welsh Government’s outreach Community Employability programmes
– Help to find an apprenticeship
– A new course search platform for those wanting to enter further education or higher education to make it easier to find their choice
– A referral to one of the programmes funded by other partners, such as DWP and local authorities.

Welcoming the ambitious plans, Mr Skates said: “At the Senedd election in May I stood on a platform that promised to ensure that no young person would be left behind as a result of the pandemic, so I’m really pleased that our Welsh Labour Government is already delivering on this key commitment to the people of Wales.

“This support is crucial to young people as they navigate their way into the world of work and decide what they want to do next – we know that they hold the key to Wales’ future success.

“It is more important than ever that young people are supported to gain the skills and experience they need to succeed, whether that’s in employment, education or starting their own business. The Young Person’s Guarantee will make a real difference.”

As part of the plan, Working Wales has become the single gateway for every 16 to 24 year old in Wales to access the Guarantee. This builds on the already strong and successful model of delivering careers guidance and signposting support. They are also trialling a new Job Matching service, to assist young people with securing employment and to help employers fill vacancies.

The Welsh Government has said the next steps in the development of the guarantee will include:

– Regional Skills Partnerships will hold engagement events to shape the provision of the Young Person’s Guarantee within their area of responsibility.
– A series of focus groups will be held with young people between now and December to help understand how they view the support available, what they want to see and the barriers they face.

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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