Ken Skates AM asks Wrexham Council to help junior football teams in Cefn Mawr

Assembly Member Ken Skates has asked Wrexham Council to help a junior football club and its neighbours resolve long-running parking problems.

The Clwyd South AM met Cefn United secretary Alistair Burnett to discuss the issue and what can be done to ease congestion during training and matches at Church Street in Rhosymedre, where the club’s three children’s teams play.

Mr Skates said: “There are often upwards of 30 or 40 cars crammed into a tiny parking area, which causes problems for people trying to park near their homes and also means parents and spectators get blocked in. I met Alistair down there and it’s clear there is plenty of room available if the council can help, so I have taken this up with them.

“The residents are very understanding and the club is very grateful for that – there is no bad blood here, but everyone wants a solution.”

Mr Skates said emergency access – such as an ambulance needing to get onto the pitch – is also a concern given the build-up of cars at the pitch during peak periods.

He added: “There are a number of possible solutions to improve the situation. The council has indicated a willingness to listen to the residents and I’m hopeful the site visit I have asked for will help things progress.”

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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