Ken Skates AM welcomes major expansion in training places for nurses

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates has welcomed the news that the Welsh Labour Government is boosting funding for nurse and other healthcare training places for the sixth year running.

The Welsh Government has announced an extra £15m for a 13% increase in education and training programmes for healthcare professionals in Wales. In total, £127.8m will be invested in 2020-21.

Ken Skates AM said: “I am delighted that from April 2020 Wales will be training more nurses, midwives and other key healthcare professionals than ever before thanks to this sixth consecutive annual funding boost from the Welsh Labour Government. A well-trained NHS workforce is vital for the sustainable, high quality healthcare we want to see in Clwyd South and the rest of Wales.

“I also want to highlight the financial support which is available to trainee nurses in Wales. In Wales, unlike in England, we have maintained the NHS bursary for student nurses and allied health professionals. The Welsh Labour Government was absolutely right to keep paying the bursary in Wales and it demonstrates our commitment to the future of the nursing profession.”

Mr Skates added: “I would encourage residents in Clwyd South to find out more about nursing as a possible career at”

Over the past five years training places for nurses have increased by 54.8% in Wales and training places for midwives have increased by 71.2%. In total, the NHS Wales workforce has grown by 10.4% over the last five years.

The Welsh Labour Government also recently announced that the target for GP training places in Wales had been exceeded, with 186 places being filled this year.

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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