Ysgol Rhosymedre pupil wins Clwyd South card competition run by AM and MP

A six-year-old schoolgirl has been chosen as the winner of a competition to design an AM and MP’s 2018 Christmas card.

Mazie Pemberton’s entry featuring a colourful tree was Ken Skates and Susan Elan Jones’s favourite out of hundreds submitted. Her design has been made into their official Clwyd South Christmas card and will be sent to hundreds of homes, businesses and organisations across the constituency.

Mazie, who is in Year 2 at Rhosymedre Community Primary School, was presented with her framed original, a winner’s certificate and prizes by the politicians on Friday morning (December 14).

Susan said: “We would like to thank all the children who took part. There were so many wonderful entries it was incredibly difficult to make a decision, so we have included the runners-up designs inside the card as well. The finished article looks fantastic, we’re delighted with it.”

Ken added: “It was brilliant to meet Mazie and present her with her prizes. We could’ve chosen any number of entries because there were so many excellent ones, but Mazie is a deserved winner. I’d like to wish all the children and staff a merry Christmas and a very happy new year. I hope they all enjoy their well-earned break.”

The runners-up were eight-year-old Evie Davies and six-year-old Isobel Paddock, both from Ysgol Acrefair, who will also receive certificates.

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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