Welsh Government programme has created 2,605 jobs in Clwyd South, says MS Ken Skates

Member of the Senedd Ken Skates has praised a Welsh Government apprenticeship scheme after figures showed it has created more than 2,500 jobs for his constituents.

The Clwyd South MS welcomed the news, which came as a result of a 2016 Welsh Labour manifesto pledge to create 100,000 apprenticeships for people of all ages.

Mr Skates said: “In 2016, we promised to create 100,000 new high-quality, all-age apprenticeships. We have exceeded this flagship commitment, providing vital opportunities for women, men and young people throughout Wales and helping people of all ages to learn new skills while earning a wage.

“It’s fantastic to see the benefits of this ambitious programme locally, with a total of 2,605 people in Clwyd South being given a high-quality employment opportunity.”

A breakdown of the data shows 895 healthcare and public services roles were taken up by people in Clwyd South, as well as 380 in business administration and 300 in construction. In addition, 275 jobs were created in engineering, 125 in manufacturing and 115 in hospitality.

The rest of the opportunities were created in agriculture (20); hair and beauty (70); leisure, sports and travel (105); management and professional (200); manufacturing (125); retailing and customer services (115) and transportation (five).

Mr Skates added: “This programme is a huge success story, and it’s particularly pleasing to see so many people in Clwyd South gaining employment in sectors which are so crucial to our area and its local economy.

“I’m extremely proud that the Welsh Government has delivered on this promise and that it has had such a tangible benefit in our part of North Wales.”

The Welsh Government data also show a further 2,490 apprentices were taken on in Wrexham as a result of the programme.

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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